To properly respond to the call HORIZON-HLTH-2023-ENVHLTH-02-01, the French coordinator is looking for a partner with climate expertise. The project will develop a multidisciplinary monitoring system focused on infectious diseases to evaluate the impact of degraded environnment on human health in low or middle income countries. Scadenza per le manifestazioni di interesse: 31 marzo 2023

A Basque large industrial Company specialised in thermoplastic elastomers (TPE) and thermoplastic (TP) compounding for automotive components is looking for partners to build up a consortium to participate in a Horizon Europe R&D project for the call HORIZON-CL4-2023-TWIN-TRANSITION-01-42 and also HORIZON-CL6-2023-ZEROPOLLUTION either as a bio-polymer compounder (TPEs or TPs with ingredients non coming from fossil sources) and/or as an end […]

Swiss SME + university have put together a Eurostars proposal and PoC for a Parkinson’s disease (PD) mobile app for patient management to assist with anomalous motor conditions. The goals are to expand its virtual care platform capabilities, to add AR, andto use AI to help with symptom prediction.The company is looking for both business and research partners to contribute […]

A consortium with currently 2 SME and 2 university partners from the Netherlands, France and Switzerland is planning toinnovate an existing system for aphasia therapy in the frame of an Eurostars funding project. The aim of the project is tointegrate biofeedback, gamification and AI models. The consortium is seeking an SME partner with expertise in voicerecognition and characterisation for a […]

A German SME (spin-off of the Hasso Plattner Institute), intends to apply as lead partner for a project in the current call HORIZON-HLTH-2023-TOOL-05-04. Project partners who possess health data and are able and willing to make it available for secondary research are sought to be part of a consortium. Scadenza per le manifestazioni di interesse: 21 marzo 2023

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