A technology center located in the north of Spain, is sought a laboratory or technological center provider of testing services for the aeronautical sector, which has the ability and experience to perform an “accelerated rain erosion test”, to validate the properties of materials developed in the environment of an ongoing research project. Ref. TRES20230301008

This long-established UK textile manufacturer has particular expertise in the production of wool-based products for industrial and commercial applications. Examples to date include products for use in the production of musical instruments, bakery belts, printing blankets and chemical spillage absorption. It now seeks partners with technical expertise under a research cooperation agreement, in order to develop new products for other […]

Europe Direct è la rete ufficiale dei centri d’informazione della Commissione europea, presente sul territorio dei 27 Stati membri. SIMPLER collabora con le Antenne Europe Direct della Lombardia e dell'Emilia-Romagna per la promozione delle opportunità dell'Unione europea e dei servizi di Enterprise Europe Network.
© 2016 Enterprise Europe Network è co-finanziato dall’Unione Europea – Single Market Programme 2022-2025

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